Hello friends, It has been quite awhile since I have posted to this blog...I think I got very discouraged with how things were going. It seemed that those who wish to not allow love were winning. Now here it is July 2013 and my wife and I have an intake interview with our immigration attorney. Poor attorney, we have been a bit ...uh ... impatient. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers...and give us the right words and our attorneys wisdom as we start this process. I hope that in a short time, my wife will be sporting her green card. There will be much celebration...and then...when it happens...her citizenship .... we will be having a party... a red white and blue one to be exact. We have never been so close...indeed, we feel so blessed.
I have also been dealing with a separate issue in healing. One that I addressed earlier when some imbecile compared same sex marriage to incest in my blog post: An Open Letter To Those Who Compare Homosexuality to Incest Doing much healing work regarding this and I hope you will also keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
All of this has served to make me so thankful for all that I have been given and for all I have. My life...I am so blessed.