A blog about Americans who are in love with someone who is not an American, but cannot sponsor them to come to the United States because they are of the same sex. This blog addresses the grave injustice being done to Lesbian and Gay bi-national couples.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Family Values, High Morals, and Defending Marriage
Why do you suppose these same people refuse to acknowledge the fact that the Bible calls their sins abomination?
Why do you suppose time after time, the same people are brought down for doing things that are less then ethical?
I have two sons.
I believe in family values.
I am married.
I have high morals, I have never cheated on my spouse. I am honest, truthful and a hard worker. I have worked for the same company for 20 years.
I believe in defending marriage. I think that the decline of the family and marriage is appalling.
My family attends church regularly.
My Boys are boy scouts.
They attend AWANA every Monday night.
My boys are both exceptional students with straight A's.
How can people be against my family and my marriage? How can people say that I am not for family values because I am a lesbian? How can people say that I am less than them and that I don't deserve the same rights as a heterosexual couple?
I would like for my marriage to be recognized by the State and Federal governments. I would like to not have to hide my relationship for fear of bullying. I believe that the government is responsible for the bullying of the Lesbian and Gay people because they have not made us equal. Bullies will always pick on someone that they perceive to be inferior to them and the US State and Federal government's failure to recognize us as equal, feeds right into their bullying.
I am not the exception in the Lesbian and Gay community. I am the rule. Our families....our values.... our morals......... We are pro family. We are pro marriage. We are for family values. We would like to be treated equally as our heterosexual counterparts.
How can the US Government refuse my family equal rights and equal protection? To continue to discriminate against us is immoral, anti-family, anti-marriage, and unAmerican.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
When a Kiss is Not Just a Kiss
We would like to be able to kiss our loved one in public without fear. We would like to be able to kiss our spouse without the worry that they will have to leave again soon. We would like to kiss our sweetheart on American soil as they are granted legal status.
We are American Citizens who are in love with someone who is not an American Citizen. We cannot sponsor them because we are of the same sex. We are asking for the right to be allowed to be with our spouses.
While we are encouraged by this kiss, I look forward to the day when bi-national couples can "kiss in the sunlight and say to the sky...behold and believe what you see. Behold how my lover loves me."
Monday, December 5, 2011
Christians vs Gays
As a Christian, when I read that, my heart sunk. When did we as Christians fail a whole group of people? When did we think it was right to tell them that God hates them and their "lifestyle"? When did we as Christians go from the Great Commission to passing God's judgement onto a people?
I know what Romans says. It was written by Paul to the Church of the Romans. I am not here to argue that. I am not here to argue that the Bible never condemns a monogamous same sex relationship. I am here to say that as Christians, we have failed to tell a group of people that God loves them. We are too busy pointing out what the Bible says that we have failed to point out what the Bible says...yes I meant that.
We need to look and see how the Son of God lived His life on this earth. He ate with the publicans and sinners. That was the biggest criticism that the ruling religious body of the time had against Jesus. Jesus chose to hang out with them to tell them of God's love. John 3:17 says, "God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." So God's sole purpose of sending His beloved Son into the world was so that they could be saved.
Christians today seem to have forgotten that Matthew 28:19 &20 says Go and Teach ... not go and judge. They seem to have forgotten that God calls lying an abomination. They seem to have forgotten that the reason Christians are left on this Earth and not taken to Heaven immediately after conversion is to tell others of Jesus' love, death, burial and resurrection.
My wife and I signed our son up for the Baptist Church Preschool. Why? Because we wanted him to learn about Jesus dying on the cross to save him from his sin. We wanted him to learn about the Almighty sending His Son. We received a letter stating that the preschool had nothing to offer our son. We have reason to believe that the reason why is because we told them we are a lesbian couple. Not one time did any of those people offer to us the Gospel. The Good News of the Saviour.
I am a Christian. I am a lesbian. There is no conflict. I have the peace which passes all understanding and the knowledge that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
One more observation/question: When is the last time, as a Christian, you have picked up your Bible and read it...outside of Church. When is the last time you actually prayed for the salvation of the Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people? When is the last time you thought to actually study what the Bible really says about it with a prayerful attitude?
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Holidays for Bi-National Same Sex Couples
My lovely friend in Colorado will celebrate Christmas with her wife via Skype. Her wife is British and lives in the UK. In spite of her wife's extensive education, there is no "line" at the immigration office for this bi-national couple to get into.
My very dear friend lives in California, her wife, her legal wife (married in Canada and in California) will be in England due to the United States immigration discriminatory laws. These two ladies pose no threat to anyone, as a matter of fact, the Californian is a Military Veteran. In spite of serving her country, her country refuses to acknowledge her marriage to her lovely wife from the United Kingdom. They, too, will spend Christmas apart....touching their computer screens instead of holding each other.
For a bi-national couple living exiled in New Zealand, you would think that life is perfect for them, after all, they are together legally. Here is the two of them singing together a song that the Hoosier wrote for her New Zealand wife. The Hoosier longs to "sit on the porch and have a beer with her dad in Indiana"
These are just a few of my bi-national friends. I could go on and on about friends living in exile in Canada and two other couples moving to Canada before the end of the winter season, but I won't. I won't tell you of a lovely New York couple.....as one of them is from New York the other from Italy... they struggle with issues that heterosexual couples would never even think about. If they marry, will that cause problems with Homeland Security? Will the New Yorker's lovely wife be "red flagged" by Homeland Security because of their marriage...even though it is legal in New York?
Think about us, think about the bi-national couples as you celebrate the holidays with your loved ones. As you hug your sweetheart, know that others are just touching a computer screen. As you snuggle with your children, know that bi-national couples are scared and worrying that their children will be torn from their non-US citizen parent.
There are some that live in the United States illegally, in civil disobedience, seeing this as the only option to be together. Exile is not an option for some of these couples. Moving to their partner's country is not an option in some of these cases.
A repeal of DOMA needs to take place. The passing of the Uniting American Families Act, needs to take place. We are human beings. We have families. We have fallen in love with a person who is not a US Citizen. We need to be allowed to be with our spouses...we need to be allowed to pursue our happiness.
Other Resources:
Stop the Deportations: The DOMA Project
Immigration Equality
Lavi Soloway: Attorney
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
American Family Association Sends an Email Full of Lies
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
In Touch With The American Voters
What do the majority of United States Citizens think about Marriage Equality?
LOS ANGELES | Fri May 20, 2011 10:26pm EDT
![CNN Politics](http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/global/header/us/hdr-politics.gif)
Poll: More Americans favor same-sex marriage
![politicalmugshot politicalmugshot](http://cnnpoliticalticker.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/politicalmugshot.jpg?w=30)
The poll indicates that more than half of all Americans believe that marriages between gay or lesbian couples should be legally valid. With 51 percent of respondents saying that same-sex marriages should be legal, it is the first time that a CNN poll has found majority support for same-sex marriage.
Full results (pdf)
Poll: Support for gay marriage continues to rise
The poll, conducted in late September and early October, showed 46% of Americans surveyed support legalizing same-sex marriage and 44% are opposed. The survey among 2,410 adults has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.
In listening to the arguments that Republicans put forth regarding the Respect for Marriage Act (at the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing), I was amazed at how little they cared about getting any new arguments. As a matter of fact, most of the eight "nays" ... their NO votes were given by proxy. They don't really care enough about the Lesbian and Gay community to even show up at the vote.
Senator Grassley from Iowa of course puts up the inevitable tired argument "traditional one man one woman marriage". He is gently, affectionately and respectfully debunked by Senator Al Franken: “We need to be accurate when we talk about the history of man and woman,” noting that at one point women were chattel.
After thirteen years of Independent Fundamental Baptist Bible School/College education, I did a lot of research.
My findings: The Bible Says - Homosexuality
I found a theologian who graduated from Harvard and the conservative Bob Jones University who wrote a book on reexamining the Biblical Evidence on Same-sex relationships called The Children Are Free.
Just because a person is straight, that doesn't mean that they have morals or family values. Just because a person is a lesbian or gay, doesn't mean that they have no morals or family values. This is yet another ancient argument that is proven wrong every day by decent, family oriented and loving same sex couples.
One of the most insulting arguements that was presented at the Judiciary Committee Respect for Marriage Act hearing was the following:
Senator Cornyn:
"Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) would actually result in an expansion of federal benefits and spending at a time when we know that federal spending is way out of control and our entitlement programs are unsustainable,"
"Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act would actually increase the cost of Social Security that is already insolvent, more money is going out than coming in."
"No one, no one has paid into the Social Security system expecting benefits to be paid to same sex partners."
This man, this elected Senator actually believes that because a person is a lesbian or because they are gay, that they do not deserve to get federal benefits even though they have paid into it all of their lives. Um Senator, I am a lesbian and I believe that I and my family have the right to federal benefits. I have been and still do pay in to Social Security expecting that I and/or my family will benefit from it.
Senator Grassley mentioned religion. They should read their Bibles:
Matthew 22:36-40
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
- Matthew 22:37 Deut. 6:5
- Matthew 22:39 Lev. 19:18
It deeply saddens, distresses and appalls me that our elected officials readily admit that they do not feel that gay and lesbian people are deserving of equal rights. We are Americans. We are citizens of the United States of America. We are people. We are not low life, scum sucking, free loading people looking for a hand out. We are productive citizens of the greatest country in the world. We should be treated with the same respect as our straight counterparts. "...with Liberty and Justice for ALL"
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Where Are We With DOMA and the UAFA?
The Uniting American Families Act would give bi-national same sex couples the ability to sponsor their partners/spouses. I do not believe that most of Congress, or even the President of the United States actually knows what it takes to immigrate to the United States. Their ignorance and their lack of desire to educate or research shows how little they really care about bi-national same sex couples. In my correspondence to Congress, I have been told that I shouldn't expect to be put ahead in the line for immigration. I have heard the President say that we need to wait our turn. What they don't seem to realize is that there is no line for bi-national same sex couples in which to stand. There is no legal way for our spouses to immigrate. We are pleading for Congress to understand this. In trying to explain this to some of the Congress people, I have been told basically that it is because homosexuals are not part of the nuclear family. I struggle to understand how anyone can tell me, an American Citizen, who I can or cannot love. I struggle to understand how Congress can tell me that who I love is less important; is less than who the straight people love. This page on Lawyers.com is very informative. For even more information the Immigration Equality Action Fund is an excellent resource.
We need to get this horrible, cruel, and torturous behavior changed. We need to pass the Uniting American Families Act.
Now onto the ironically named "Defense of Marriage Act" which defines marriage as between one man and one woman. There are bills in Congress to right this horrible wrong being done to the lesbian and gay couples called the Respect for Marriage Act. The wonderful Honorable Senator Diane Fienstien was recently interviewed on MSNBC and stated that although she did not feel that they have the votes to pass the Respect for Marriage Act, she would be in this for the long haul. This is small comfort for those of us who are waiting for the above Uniting American Families Act to pass.
Congress refuses to listen to the
1. Majority of Americans who say that they are for Marriage Equality.
Congress refuses to listen to
2. Civil Rights Leaders including:
Civil Rights leader and NAACP Chairman Emeritus Julian Bond
Civil Rights Leader Dolores Huerta
Civil Rights leader Julian Bond
Congress refuses to listen to
3. Seventy organizations filed an Amicus Brief on behalf of repealing DOMA. Read the Entire Brief Here. The amicus curiae brief, filed November 3, 2011, supports the Gill et al. v. Office of Personnel Management case challenging the denial of federal rights and benefits to legally married same-sex couples.
With all of this support for Marriage Equality, why in the world does Congress continue to support the evil, discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act. It is my hope that the courts will declare DOMA dead and federal marriage equality will then exist. The fight will continue for the states to pass Marriage equality for all. We are Americans. We deserve the same as all Americans...the ability, the right to be with the one that we love.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Traditions are for Families.
Traditions are for holidays. Traditions are for memories. Traditions are made for memories. Marriage is a tradition I hope to have between my wife and I. (Yes I am a lesbian) We make our own traditions. Traditions are not laws. Traditions should not be made to be a law. "This is the way we have always done it" is not the reason for a law.
Just because something is a tradition, doesn't mean it is always right.
Women Voting
Black People's Rights
Interracial Marriage
Wigs on Men in Congress
Public Hanging
Public Flogging
Branding People With Letters (The Scarlet Letter)
A Sin Against God Being a Crime (adultery)
All of these were eventually changed. If you think that God is against homosexuality, that didn't even make God's top ten list. Sins that did make God's top 10:
Remember that there is supposed to be separation of Church and State....not when it is convenient for the Church, but all the time.
Traditions are for families. Let my family have mine. We need to pass the Respect for Marriage Act. We need to pass the Uniting American Families Act. We need to allow all Americans to begin to make their own family traditions!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Uniting American Families Act
Friday, October 21, 2011
Redefining Christianity - Are Christians today "Christ-like"
"...and the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch"
From Wikipedia
The Greek word Χριστιανός (christianos)—meaning "follower of Christ"—comes from Χριστός (christos)—meaning "anointed one" —with an adjectival ending borrowed from Latin to denote adhering to, or even belonging to, as in slave ownership.
So Christians are "Christ like". What is it about the Saviour that Christians should be like. Well, all of His life.
1. Christ was very learned about the Scriptures. The Gospel of Luke contains the following story.
46 And it came to pass , that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions .47 And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.
48 And when they saw him, they were amazed : and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold , thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing .
49 And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?
Do Christians today know the Scriptures? Do they memorize the Scriptures? This is part of being a Christian; being Christlike.
2. Christ preformed miracles
3. Christ cast out demons
Both numbers two and three require power from God. In our day, power from the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8) Do Christians today have the power of God to cast out demons and preform miracles?
4. Christ only got angry with Satan and the ruling Religious body of the time.
6. Jesus was merciful and good. 7. Jesus forgave In my opinion, and according to the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Religious Right of today; the Christians; have taken the path of the Pharisees instead of the path of Christ. What did Jesus say were the two greatest commandments?
New International Version (NIV) 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” I am asking for those who think that the gay agenda is to redefine marriage, are you redefining Christianity? I don't want to re-define anything, I just want the right and the freedom to be married to the love of my life and the ability to sponsor my wife for immigration to the United States of America. Be a Biblical Christian about it.
The reason He was angry with the ruling religious right of the time is because they were judgmental and self-righteous.
5. Jesus preferred to hang out with "publicans and sinners". That was a big criticism from the religious right."How much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize? How much do you have to hate someone to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?" - Penn Jillette
Friday, October 7, 2011
A Vote For Values & Morals
First of all, I am a lesbian. Secondly, I have morals and Thirdly, I am for Marriage, I want mine to be legal in all 50 states and recognized federally.
People can pick out examples of immoral behaviors, even criminal behaviors of non-heterosexual people and hold those up and say this is how they behave. However,the same can be done of heterosexuals. Heterosexuals are immoral, without values. Most serial killers are heterosexual males. How many heterosexual State and Federal Congress folks have cheated on their spouses?
They boo a gay military man, serving in Iraq because God says ...... Well, God doesn't condemn homosexuality, but they think He does
They say that a man who is over $100,000 behind on child support is pro-family because he is anti abortion.
So when someone says "vote to protect Marriage". I say yes, vote to protect Marriage....my marriage to my wife is just as important to protect as (for example) my nephew's marriage to his wife.
When someone says we need to vote to protect morals, I say vote to protect morals...make adultery or divorce illegal.
When someone says that we need to protect our children. There is nothing I agree with more than that. Let's make penalties for child abuse harsher so that people will think twice about hurting children.
A vote for family values and morals is a vote to allow lesbian and gay folks to have equal marriage rights. Believe that!
Why, in the United States of America, why do we still have to fight for equal rights for all? If I have heard this once, I have heard it a million times: "I may not agree with what he says, but I will fight for the right for him to say it. Isn't this the same thing? I want to live with my wife, have my relationship recognized and honored as equal to heterosexual marriages. I want our children to be able to have the benefits that other children are afforded. I don't want my family to have a stigma on it because we are lesbians. I live in the United States of America... shouldn't I have that right?
Let's get the Respect for Marriage Act passed (repeal the so called Defense of Marriage Act) and the Uniting American Families Act passed to give all Americans full equal rights. It is good, it is moral, it is the right thing to do!