Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's Not Really Possible to Kiss While Crying



I am a woman born in the United States of America.

I am a woman born in the United States of America, raised by extremely conservative parents. Republican....John Birch Society.

I am a Conservative, Independent Fundamental Baptist, Born Again Christian Woman, born in the United States of America.

I am a Republican, Conservative, right winged Woman born in the United States of America, so conservative that I think that Jerry Falwell is a liberal.

I am a Woman falling in love............Dear God in Heaven, I need your guidance.......born in the United States............................

I am a Woman in love ..... in love....deeply in love...........with ...... with........I can't even say it

I am a Christian Woman in love........ with 13 years of Bible School ...Dear Heavenly Father direct me and please let your Holy Spirit guide my heart.....

I am a Woman born in the United States of love.... with a woman....there I said it out loud and God didn't strike me dead.

I am a Woman in love with a Woman. I am a Christian. I am needing to ask God for guidance..."The Answer is in the Bible"

I am a Christian Woman, born in the United States of America, with Bible College experience....I will research.

(see over 100 hours of research links at the bottom of this blog entry)

I am a Woman born in the United States of America, a right wing Christian who believes that the Almighty God does not condemn a loving monogamous same sex relationship ever...not in the Old Testament, not in the New Testament...ever.

I am a Woman, born in the United States of America in love with a Woman born in the Netherlands. I am not liking what I am hearing the Republican Party say about my life, my relationship, my sweetheart.

I am a Woman, born in the United States, finally understanding and accepting who I am ... who I have always been. It brings a lot of answers....and peace.....and happiness...FINALLY.

I am a Woman born in the United States of America in love with a Woman from Holland with no way to get her here legally.

I am a Woman, born in the United States of America, born again Christian, not so conservative anymore, just longing to be with the love of my life and wonder why so many people are fighting so hard to keep me from this love.

I am a Woman, born in the United States of America visiting Holland. Visiting the United States Embassy in Amsterdam.....telling the truth.....VISA DENIED.... I am an American Woman, born in the United States of America, Daughter of a World War II Vet, Christian, kissing the love of my life good bye for God only knows how long.....

It really is possible to kiss while crying.



I am a Woman in love with a woman, working to get the Respect for Marriage Bill and the Uniting American Families Act passed....Everyday... until I can say that I don't have to cry while kissing the love of my life goodbye....





The Bible Says - Marriage

The Bible Says - Homosexuality

The Favorite Sin of the Conservatives

Does God REALLY Hate Homosexuals?

It is Against My Religion

Can You Justify Discrimination because of Sin?

Ruth and Naomi

Jesus, the Greatest Commandment and Homosexuality

Does God REALLY Hate Homosexuals?



1 comment:

  1. After watching the woman I love walk to airport security through the tears in my eyes one time too many, I decided to join her in her country. It is the best thing I ever did. No more crying.
    I wish you the best.
